iv therapy renew movement

Overview of IV Therapy and Its Benefits

Intravenous (IV) therapy delivers nutrients directly into your bloodstream. While a healthy diet plays a huge role in your overall health and well-being, sometimes your body needs a boost. Bypassing the somewhat inefficient digestive system is a brilliant way to stock up on essential nutrients that make it easier for medication, water, and nutrition to travel through your circulatory system. At Renew Movement, our customers throughout Louisville, Boulder and Lafayette, CO enjoy IV therapy and its benefits through tailored treatments.

What Is IV Therapy?

IV therapy is an increasingly popular wellness treatment that delivers essential nutrients and hydration to your body through the blood vessels. At Renew Movement, you can recover from altitude sickness, hangovers, and dehydration quickly with one of the following IV infusions:

  • Thrive Antioxidant IV Infusion: A blend of antioxidants is welcome news to your body! Reduce mood changes, stress, and aging by improving your body’s natural functions.

  • The Max IV Infusion: The complete infusion supports your ability to work, play, and sleep. It has even more ingredients and benefits than the Thrive Antioxidant.

  • Myer’s Cocktail IV Infusion: This IV therapy formula elevates your immunity, mood, energy, and hydration levels. It can also help you burn fat and build muscle more efficiently.

  • Recover IV Infusion: Do you play sports? This recovery infusion alleviates muscle soreness, altitude sickness, hangover, or fatigue. Replenish fluids, magnesium, B vitamins, and vitamin C fast.

  • Immunity IV Infusion: Do you feel a cold coming on? Our immune-boosting infusion staves off infections by supplying fluids, zinc, vitamin C, and glutathione to your body.

  • NAD+ IV Infusion: Are you feeling a bit slower than normal? This advanced infusion enhances energy and brain power, alleviating pain, and the effects of aging by introducing NAD+, essential for metabolism and cellular function.

    What Are the Benefits of IV Therapy?

    IV therapy services at Renew Movement offer the following advantages:

  • Fast-working: By inserting nutrients into the bloodstream, IV therapy can help you make a fast recovery. If you need to absorb fluids or electrolytes in a hurry, IV therapy will keep you hydrated.

  • Efficient: Your body can absorb more fluids when nothing is lost in the digestive tract. This makes it easier to hydrate and nourish organs and injured areas.

  • Convenient: When there’s no time to waste, you can enjoy record recovery from a hangover, soreness, or dehydration.

  • Healthy skin: When you rehydrate your body, you can maintain a plump, healthier skin tone.

  • Fat-busting: Kickstart your weight loss by jumpstarting your circulatory system with the right vitamins and minerals.

When you combine IV therapy with our other treatments, such as Renew Movement (a sports massage alternative), Full Body Stretch,  Dry Needling, and Acupuncture, you can look forward to a healthier, and pain-free life! State-licensed Registered Nurses administer all infusions and are overseen by our Medical Director, Dr. Daniel La Perriere, a board certified MD.

At Renew Movement, our IV therapy rehydrates and nourishes your body. There are many options when it comes to IV therapy and its benefits. Contact us online or call 303-467-3639 to schedule the right IV infusion for your needs in Louisville, Boulder and Lafayette, CO.

Tullius, S., Biefer, H., Li, S. et al. NAD+ protects against EAE by regulating CD4+ T-cell differentiation. Nat Commun 5, 5101 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms6101



  • NAD+ is a coenzyme necessary for all cellular functioning. It is an important component in DNA repair. NAD+ is thought to be a “fountain of youth” molecule due to these properties. Our NAD+ levels naturally decline as we age. 

  • Increased energy, increased visual acuity, clearing of the skin, decreased inflammation, sleep benefits, increased oxygenation, improved physical performance and many more.

  • Common side effects are nausea and chest tightness. We advise you to eat a meal before your infusion and have snacks during. Other side effects can occur as well including but not limited to light headedness, chest pressure, shortness of breath, feeling of heaviness in the legs, headache, congestion. These side effects occur during the infusion but stop once the infusion is done. The drip of the IV is slowed to ensure comfort (hence the longer duration of the IV). The symptoms are only present during the IV.

  • Plan to block out 1.5-3 hours the first time you get an NAD+ infusion. This is due to the common side effects which dictates how fast or slow the infusion can be run.

  • We highly recommend your first experience with NAD+ be an IV. It’s important to get the levels in your system up (fill the bolus) before doing shots. The best results are seen when people do an IV (women 250-500mg, men 500-750mg) for their first NAD+ experience.

  • For IV: 250-750mg. For IM: 100-200mg

  • NAD+ requires a consultation with one of our nurses for medical clearance before it can be given. 

