What is NAD?

NAD stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. It is a coenzyme found in all living cells and has even been called an anti-aging molecule because of its many important roles in promoting health and prolonging lifespan.

This powerful molecule has a lot of potential for new therapeutic opportunities. Studies have shown that it can help battle many aging and chronic conditions on the human body and brain.

Read on to learn more about what exactly the coenzyme is responsible for in your body and how iV NAD supplementation can improve your overall health.

What Is NAD+, What It Does & How It Benefits The Body?

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide has two forms—one active and one inactive. It is known as NAD+ in its active form, and in its inactive form, it is known as NADH.

Scientists first discovered NAD+ and started studying its benefits in the early 1900s, but only in recent years are we beginning to understand its full potential.

Because of the role, it plays in so many different biological processes, scientists and doctors are now looking at different ways it can be used to maintain healthy organs and neurological systems in human patients.

NAD+ is called a “helper molecule” because it binds to other enzymes in the body to activate them and generate molecular reactions. For example, proteins called “sirtuins,” which are responsible for carrying out many biological processes within the human body, require the coenzyme to function properly.

Originally posted here: https://www.icryo.com/nad-iv-therapy/


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