Tendonitis & Tennis/Golfer Elbow Pain Relief

Also known as “repetitive use strain,” tendonitis can happen anywhere in the body. Renew Movement™ modalities target overused muscles causing the tendons to strain. Opening the belly of a muscle gives the tendon space to recover from inflammation and pain, relieving the symptoms of tendonitis. Tennis/Golfer’s elbow is a classic example of repetitive use strain. Renew Movement™ modalities help remove stress of nerves and surrounding tissue that cause



  • Pain or discomfort at or near a joint

  • Common areas: shoulder, wrist, elbow, or ankle

  • Restriction and pain during the movement of the joint involved

  • Mild swelling or thickening in the tendinous area near the joint

Golfer’s Elbow

  • Pain in the elbow or wrist

  • Elbow stiffness or wrist stiffness

  • Sensation of pins and needles, tenderness, or tingling fingers

Tennis Elbow

  • Pain outside of the elbow 

  • Pain in the forearm/wrist

What is Tendonitis?

Tendonitis is a term often used for repetitive use strain. Tendonitis is more common in people whose activities and jobs involve repetitive movements, awkward positions, consistent overhead reaching and forceful exertion. This painful condition results from inflammation in the tendon. Tendonitis can happen to any tendon in the body. Common areas for tendonitis include the bicep tendon, patellar tendon, hamstring attachment at the pelvis, achilles tendon, elbow (tennis elbow/golfer’s elbow) and wrists. Renew Movement™ targets the overused/tight muscles that are causing the muscle and tendon strain.

What is Golfer’s Elbow or Tennis Elbow?

Golfer’s elbow is a form of tendonitis of the wrist flexors, caused by many types of activity. The excessive force you use when you bend your wrist toward your palm can cause the condition. The symptoms can also cause gripping and numbness issues in the hand. We work through the whole arm to help alleviate the tension in the forearm and bicep.

Tennis elbow is an injury caused by overuse of the wrist extensors. Wrist extensors are muscles on the back of your forearm that act to pull back your wrist. The repetitive stress on the wrist can be caused by many activities, and pain is located on the outside of the elbow. Symptoms can be pain in the elbow and wrist as well as numbness in the hand. Pain from tennis elbow can be located as high in the arm as the rotator cuff. We work through the entire arm to reduce compensation patterns in the forearm and upper arm.


Covid Precautions: If you are experiencing any symptoms of illness please notify us immediately. We ask that you cancel at least 24 hours prior to your session. If you cancel day-of or do not show up for your session you’ll be charged the full session fee. Thank you!


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